It's easy to get started with BeeWhere. Logging in is the first step. Get more help by selecting the role that best fits you:
If you have a CalAgPermits username and password associated with your PCA license, log in below using your CalAgPermits web user login.
If you don't have a CalAgPermits username and password, you can register as a new BeeWhere user. You will then be able to request that your PCA license be connected to your account.
If you already have a BeeWhere account set up for your PCA license, log in below with the email address you used to register.
If you already have a CalAgPermits username and password associated with your Permit, Operator ID, or PCM/PCB License, log in below using your CalAgPermits web user login.
If you don't have a CalAgPermits username and password, you can register as a new BeeWhere user. You will then be able to request that your Permit Operator ID/Applicator License be connected to your account.
If you already have a BeeWhere account set up for your Permit, Operator ID, or PCM/PCB license, log in below with the email address you used to register.
Information on this website is provided by the public. BeeWhere is hosting the information, but makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. In utilizing the information contained within this website, user acknowledges and agrees that they are obligated to investigate and confirm any information provided herein that the user intends to rely upon. User waives any claims against the provider pertaining to the accuracy of the information provided by this website.
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